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PLAZA 2024 finder sted den 14. september i midten af Sydhavnen i Aarhus. En dag der handler om elektronisk musik og vores fantastiske fællesskab.

PLAZA er en ny hybrid festival i Aarhus med et stærkt fokus på elektronisk musik og det unikke fællesskab, der omgiver den. Lokale legender bliver forbundet med internationale headliner-acts for at orkestrere et særligt atmosfærisk lydlandskab, der draperer vores unikke urbane industrielle havneplads "Sydhavnen Plaza" og uddyber vores forbindelse med Sydhavnen og hinanden. Sammen med det faciliterede musikprogram vil et højt kurateret indholdsprogram med stærke lokale kulturskabere give dig mulighed for at komme helt tæt på både kunst, gastronomi, viden og design. Hvorfor vi kalder det Plaza

En Plaza er et sted, hvor folk mødes og interagerer. Et sted, hvor du går hen for at opleve noget nyt.

Et eksotisk og evigt foranderligt rum i den by, du kender så godt. Plaza er stedet, hvor du står op for at diskutere, blive enig eller uenig, men altid forlader stedet klogere og med udvidet horisont. Det er her, kulturen mødes.

Community Dinner ticket bundle

"Dish.Please - Can Food Change Our Future?

Join Plaza’s selected social dinner experience hosted by Dish.Please! Dish.Please redefines dinner parties and how we should consume, experience and share the communal act of dining together! Our curated experience will present you with a harmonious blend of taste, atmosphere, and experience design. Beyond the powerful food dishes, Dish.Please will host an unforgettable social gathering that will foster new connections through the shared experience of food and its transformative possibilities."

Expect: A tasty seasonal & local focus on sustainable choices, organic produce & social vegetarian dishes. Paired together with local hero cider manufacturer Æblefald who will provide the first glass for your dinner experience.

Expect to be surprised and to get your taste buds tickled.

Host: Dish.Please

Billetpris med festival billet incl.: 494 kr ex gebyr

Køb festival entrance + madbillet her.

PLAZA 2024 is happening on September 14th. One day all about electronic music and our amazing community.

PLAZA is a new hybrid festival in Aarhus, Denmark with a strong focus on electronic music and the unique community that surrounds it. Local legends will connect with international headliner acts to orchestrate a special atmospheric sound scape draping our unique urban industrial harbour venue ‘Sydhavnen Plaza’ deepening our connection with Sydhaven and each other. Together with the facilitated music program a highly curated content program with strong local cultural creators, will give you the opportunity to get up close and personal within the fields of art, gastronomy, knowledge and design.

Why we call it Plaza

A Plaza is a place where people meet and interact. A place where you go to experience something new. See, hear, feel and taste.

A window to the world. An exotic and ever-changing space in the city you know so well. Plaza is where you stand up to discuss, to agree or to disagree but leave educated and evolved.

This is where culture meets.

Community Dinner ticket bundle

"Dish.Please - Can Food Change Our Future?

Join Plaza’s selected social dinner experience hosted by Dish.Please! Dish.Please redefines dinner parties and how we should consume, experience and share the communal act of dining together! Our curated experience will present you with a harmonious blend of taste, atmosphere, and experience design. Beyond the powerful food dishes, Dish.Please will host an unforgettable social gathering that will foster new connections through the shared experience of food and its transformative possibilities."

Expect: A tasty seasonal & local focus on sustainable choices, organic produce & social vegetarian dishes. Paired together with local hero cider manufacturer Æblefald who will provide the first glass for your dinner experience.

Expect to be surprised and to get your taste buds tickled.

Host: Dish.Please

Billetpris med festival billet incl.: 494 kr ex gebyr Buy festival entrance + food bundle here.


Hvordan finder jeg til Svendborgrampen?

Svendborgrampen ligger Svendborgrampen 10, 8000 Aarhus C.


Du skal være 18 år eller derover for at deltage i Plaza.